Womb [noun]
Definition of Womb:
middle, lining
Synonyms of Womb:
● Interior
● Innards
● Heart
● Stuffing
● Recess
● Center
● Soul
● Belly
● Gut
● Bowels
● Contents
● Breast
Sentence/Example of Womb:
For a child is born into the womb of the time, which indeed enclosed and fed him before he was born.
Her the men of old called Nemesis, born to Ocean from the womb of silent Night.
Political economy was still sleeping in the womb of futurity.
The walls of the womb consist of a thick layer of unstriped muscle.
The mother's body is becoming adapted to the development of the infant in the womb.
The passage is forced by the powerful contractions of the muscles of the womb.
Out of the silence and darkness of the womb into the world of light and sound!
My trouble was enlargement of the womb, also had ovarian trouble.
I was troubled with displacement of the womb and other female weakness.
The doctor says that I have womb trouble, but he does not seem to help me a great deal.