Woody [adjective]
Definition of Woody:
Opposite/Antonyms of Woody:
Sentence/Example of Woody:
They passed over the Blue Ridge where it breaks south into woody hills.
Some species are very large, some are small, some fleshy, and some are corky or woody.
Plants are perpetuated by seeds, by bulbs, and by woody parts.
Dendrophilous: species that live in woody tissue, or on trees.
There was only in sight a woody hill, and below it a stream to cross.
A Landscape, representing a woody scene, with a vista on the right.
He was seated on a woody knoll skinning a pterodactyl for our supper.
It is difficult to separate the flax or linen fiber from the woody part of the stem.
So on he sped to the woody heights of Kyllene, and stood on the doorstep of Maia's cave.
I am the same Œnone whom thou didst woo in the dells of woody Ida.