Worrisome [adjective]
Definition of Worrisome:
Synonyms of Worrisome:
● Alarming
● Worrying
● Annoying
● Anxious
● Irksome
● Nervous
● Taxing
● Tiresome
● Trying
● Uneasy
● Vexing
Opposite/Antonyms of Worrisome:
Sentence/Example of Worrisome:
This losing of the deeds has been the most worrisome thing that I hope will ever happen to me.
It was a worrisome thing, and all the more so because there was nothing that could be done about it.
Then he gazed wildly about him as though to escape from his own worrisome thoughts.
The most worrisome task about a Homeburg band was keeping it alive.
The weeks since his arrival had been the most worrisome she could remember.
"Boys are a worrisome set," returned the housekeeper, composedly.
It's worrisome business being Indian agent, after all, isn't it, George?
That night, to take his mind off worrisome old cars, Solomon began reading the previous Sunday's newspaper.
“The worrisome part is that the news is all over Webster City,” Dan added earnestly.
That worrisome night was to meet with one more "thrilling adventure" before it passed away into the light of the following day.