Would [verb]
Definition of Would:
Synonyms of Would:
● Decree
● Resolve
● Intend
● Exert
● Bid
● Enjoin
● Request
● Ordain
● Insist
● Effect
● Direct
● Command
● Demand
● Order
Opposite/Antonyms of Would:
Sentence/Example of Would:
"But in a maiden it would be less seemly," answered Philothea.
But, my daughter, why is it that the commands of Phidias would have made you unhappy?
Would you not like to be buried with regal honour, in your native Clazomenæ?
Exactly in the measure that he indulged this would his pride smart.
You bet Mr. Arledge would 'a' got my decision right hot off the griddle.
Yet the voice of Plato would be pleasant to my ears, as music on the waters in the night-time.
"They ain't got to makin' calendars yet with the rainy day marked on 'em," he would say.
"I told him high altitudes and high livin' would do any man—" Again he was silent.
He would not adopt a nameless orphan, found with a poor goatherd of Phelle.
I would rather gain one prize from the Choragus, than ten from the Gymnasiarch.