Wraiths [noun]
Definition of Wraiths:
Sentence/Example of Wraiths:
In the strange illumination of the search beams he seemed the wraith of a scarecrow.
Across the stair she wavered, a wraith blown across the gulf of time.
They had him, but it was like getting hold of an apparition, a wraith, a portent.
Was she a woman or a wraith, this slender thing swaying in the candle-light?
This apparition of a friend has in the Scotch wraith, or Irish fetch its counterpart.
Sometimes he smiled at her; sometimes at the wraith in the rafters.
How could this wraith, this apparition, do us physical injury!
A wraith of Tako was there, stricken as though numbed by surprise….
I think it was the image of my robust self as a wraith that did it.
He was not a wraith, no grisly spectre, no half-nebulous Shape.