Wreathing [verb]

Definition of Wreathing:

crush, wrinkle

Synonyms of Wreathing:

Opposite/Antonyms of Wreathing:

Sentence/Example of Wreathing:

Tissue-paper is too soft and thin for wreathing the bars of grates.

Abra is introduced in a grove, wreathing a flowery chaplet for her hair.

The frost-smoke is wreathing the red zone of our southern horizon.

The valley was far in the rear, hidden by the wreathing mists.

The mist was rising, and wreathing the colored woods with white.

The flower nodded, too, as if moved by the breeze that was wreathing the smoke over all the roofs.

She held up an ancient brass knocker, a smiling faun's head encircled in wreathing vines.

Across the face of the country, wisps and attenuated clouds of smoke were wreathing their way up and melting in the blue.

Her face was flushed with excitement and, to judge by her wreathing smiles, with happiness.

The “Royal March” of Italy was played, first baldly, then with manifold clinging and wreathing variations.