Wrested [verb]
Definition of Wrested:
Synonyms of Wrested:
● Extort
● Seize
● Wring
● Exact
● Wrench
● Usurp
● Extract
● Wrestle
● Force
● Rend
● Take
● Squeeze
● Falsify
Sentence/Example of Wrested:
He must see who his captive was, wrest from him the heart of the mystery.
Formerly she would have liked to wrest by force from heaven the secrets of destiny.
By concession, we may be all we strive for, but never could wrest by force.
At the very moment of possessing you some miracle will wrest you from my arms.
And what is more, I'll do it too, in order to wrest my friends from their clutches!
"Give it to me," he said, in a tone of authority, and he tried to wrest it from Tom's hands.
"It's mine," coaxed Marjorie, trying to wrest it from Nannie.
Elfreda hurried from the room to wrest the ladder from its lowly haunt.
Germany is strong enough to wrest them from her, and means to do so.
But you wrest from that decision a force which it does not legally carry.