Wrestlings [noun]
Definition of Wrestlings:
far eastern discipline or sport
Opposite/Antonyms of Wrestlings:
Sentence/Example of Wrestlings:
What withdrawals there were in him, what wrestlings of the will, what iron obediences, only she knew.
This is strong testimony to the celebrity of the Windermere wrestlings.
My refusals were forgotten—my fears overcome—my wrestlings paralysed.
He hath imparted to us the virtue of His wrestlings, and the strength of His victory.
Every night my wrestlings with my selfish nature grew weaker and weaker.
Familiar with squalor, and hospitable to vulgarity, his mind was yet tenanted by sorrow, a place of midnight wrestlings.
On the Feast of St. Bartholomew there were wrestlings, foot-races, and shooting with the bow for prizes.
This tribe profess to trace back their wrestlings long before the Greeks held their Olympic games on the banks of the Alpheus.
Wrestlings, we are afraid, will never again be contests, like those of ancient Greece and Rome—for honour and fame.
In 1813—the following year—Dickinson attended the Carlisle wrestlings, where he attained considerable distinction.