Wrigglier [adjective]

Definition of Wrigglier:

bending, turning

Synonyms of Wrigglier:

Opposite/Antonyms of Wrigglier:

Sentence/Example of Wrigglier:

Kit baited Kat's for her, because Kat said it made her all wriggly inside to do it.

What sort of horrible, wriggly thing are you saying, Phedro?

In reality, it was a succession of wriggly marks which only a Moslem could read.

But she could not catch the freckled girl, who was as wriggly as an eel.

His gaze never shifted, his eyes never wavered—but I came away feeling all wriggly.

And some dolphins, all covered with silver, kept racing with us and leaping clear out of the water, like wriggly bits of fire.

To add to my horror of them I have discovered that hardly one is without a wriggly live thing inside it.

At four o'clock, while Appleboy was digging bait, he observed another motor making its wriggly way along the dunes.

And as I strolls along home with this warm, wriggly bunch of fur in the crook of my arm I get more and more pleased with myself.

It will spear great flounders of blotting paper and wriggly eels of string.