Yodelled [verb]

Definition of Yodelled:


Synonyms of Yodelled:

Opposite/Antonyms of Yodelled:


Sentence/Example of Yodelled:

Graham promptly answered: "Yes, silly—she'll wear goatskin—and she'll yodel."

I explored the vicinity of the cave, and risked a yodel or two, but there was no response.

But he did not yodel in the yard or whistle under the window.

It immediately became a case of he who laughs first, lives to yodel.

The case of Yodel, the auctioneer, was even more inscrutable.

His voice broke badly in the yodel and he was jeered by a rude audience.

We understand that the yodel waistcoat will also be heard this spring.

Suddenly the mountaineers loosed their hold upon him, and waving their caps began to yodel in a transport of joy.

His business was to appear at unexpected moments and in unsuspected parts of the gardens, to yodel.

Just then a melodious Swiss yodel broke the stillness of the early morning and Billie laughed.