Youngling [noun]
Definition of Youngling:
young horse
Opposite/Antonyms of Youngling:
Sentence/Example of Youngling:
The youngling of this nest came to the ground and stayed there.
"I am called Skallagrim, youngling," answered the man on the horse.
Ospakar grew fearful, for he could make no play with this youngling.
But here I take up this youngling's glove; and on his head be his fate!
So old Warrenton has persuaded you to seek the Prince's gold, youngling?
"Then I do wish you God-speed, youngling," he said, brightly.
When that was done, Youngling pulled out his Spade and fitted it to its handle.
"Well, I'd just like to try first," said Youngling, and so he got leave.
"I have a great fancy to see where this brook comes from," said Youngling.
Said the youngling: "Knowest thou not Jack of the Tofts and his seven sons, and what he is, and that he dwelleth there?"