Zero [noun]

Definition of Zero:


Synonyms of Zero:

Opposite/Antonyms of Zero:

Sentence/Example of Zero:

On the 15th of June, the thermometer stood at 57 above zero.

The temperature must have been at least ten degrees below zero.

Faint shouts rose in the zero night, toots and sharp whistles.

From the confidence of victory now he had fallen to the zero of certain failure.

My spirits which had been down to zero had gone up with a bound.

Even the cat was valued; but he—he stood there absolutely zero.

The temperature had risen, the thermometer standing at 25° above zero.

On that day the thermometer fell to three degrees below zero.

With a specific gravity of 1.150, the electrolyte freezes at about 5° above zero.

After exhaustive investigation (zero data) he still wondered.