Zits [noun]

Definition of Zits:


Synonyms of Zits:

Opposite/Antonyms of Zits:


Sentence/Example of Zits:

He passed my driver's license up to Zit, who pecked it slowly into his computer.

"Terrorists aren't the only bad guys we catch this way," Zit said.

He realized that he had a zit on the back of his neck that was rubbing against his collar.

If you'll walk into the castle, you may zit down, I dare zay.

Now zit quite, wull 'e Miss Luzzie, or a 'wunt goo on no vurder.

They were both so close I could see the zit on the cheek of the one on the left, the little booger up the nose of the other.

Booger flashed his badge at me too fast for me to get a good look at it, but Zit in the front seat gave me a long look at his.

It is ready to thame: and zit I feir that it will bring sum malheus, and may be sene gif ze chance to be hurt.

It is lait; I desyre never to ceis fra wryting unto zow; zit now, after the kissing of zour handis, I will end my letter.

He is not over mekle deformit, zit he hes ressavit verray mekle.