absolute [adjective]

Definition of absolute:

  • Complete and total; without qualification or restriction.
  • Perfect or flawless.
  • Supreme in power or authority.

Synonyms of absolute:

Opposite/Antonyms of absolute:

Sentence/Example of absolute:

The dictator held absolute power over the country.

She has absolute faith in her ability to succeed.

The contract contained absolute guarantees.

The silence in the room was absolute.

He gave her his absolute attention.

The evidence against him was absolute.

The king's power was absolute.

There is no absolute truth.

The desert heat was absolute.

The child's love for her mother was absolute.

The failure of the project was absolute.

The beauty of the sunset was absolute.

The dictator's rule was absolute.

The soldier's loyalty to his country was absolute.

The silence in the library was absolute.

The darkness of the night was absolute.

The athlete's determination to win was absolute.

The love between the couple was absolute.

The silence in the courtroom was absolute.

The dictator's cruelty was absolute.

The athlete's focus on the game was absolute.

The silence in the forest was absolute.

The dictator's control over the media was absolute.

The love a parent has for a child is absolute.

The silence in the meditation room was absolute.