acrophobia [noun]

Definition of acrophobia:

Acrophobia is an extreme or irrational fear of heights.

Synonyms of acrophobia:

Opposite/Antonyms of acrophobia:

Sentence/Example of acrophobia:

If you have acrophobia, I'd recommend keeping your eyes shut.

Her acrophobia prevents her from enjoying scenic overlooks or tall buildings.

He experiences intense anxiety due to his acrophobia whenever he needs to climb a ladder.

The acrophobia made it challenging for her to ride roller coasters at amusement parks.

People with acrophobia often feel dizzy or nauseous when faced with heights.

Overcoming acrophobia may require gradual exposure therapy under professional guidance.

The film triggered his acrophobia with its scenes of characters scaling tall mountains.

Acrophobia can vary in severity, from mild discomfort to paralyzing fear.

His acrophobia became evident during a team-building exercise that involved high ropes.

The therapist used cognitive-behavioral techniques to help her manage her acrophobia.

Despite her acrophobia, she conquered her fear and climbed to the top of the observation tower.