aggrandize [verb]

Definition of aggrandize:

  • To make something seem greater or more important than it really is.
  • To increase the power, size, or importance of something in reality.

Synonyms of aggrandize:

Opposite/Antonyms of aggrandize:

Sentence/Example of aggrandize:

The politician used propaganda to aggrandize his accomplishments.

The company's marketing campaign aimed to aggrandize the benefits of their new product.

Through conquest, the emperor aggrandized his territory.

Over time, the small business was able to aggrandize its market share.

The rumors tended to aggrandize the severity of the situation.

The author didn't want to aggrandize his role in the project, so he downplayed his contributions.

The athlete's modesty prevented him from aggrandizing his victory.

The historian strove to present a factual account, avoiding any aggrandizement of historical figures.

The company's expansion plans aimed to aggrandize its production capacity.

The treaty helped to aggrandize peace and cooperation between the nations.

The story was embellished over time, becoming increasingly aggrandized.

The company hoped to aggrandize its market share through a series of acquisitions.

The king's ambition was to aggrandize his territory by conquering neighboring lands.

The athlete's feats were constantly aggrandized by the media.

However, historical records provide a more nuanced view, revealing the limitations of his achievements.

The company's aggressive marketing tactics aimed to aggrandize their brand image.

Though some critics found it self-aggrandizing, his autobiography offered a fascinating glimpse into his life.

Through careful investments, they were able to aggrandize their wealth significantly.

The scientific discovery helped to aggrandize our understanding of the universe.

The politician's speech was full of exaggerations that aggrandized his accomplishments.

The media often aggrandizes the lives of celebrities, creating unrealistic expectations.

Through conquest, the emperor hoped to aggrandize his empire.

The company invested heavily in research and development, hoping to aggrandize its market share.

The athlete's story of overcoming adversity was often aggrandized by the press.

The author aggrandized the historical figure, portraying him as a flawless hero.

The company's aggressive marketing campaign aimed to aggrandize its brand image.

By acquiring smaller companies, the tech giant sought to aggrandize its own power.

The king aggrandized his wealth through heavy taxation on his subjects.

Be cautious of self-aggrandizing individuals who boast about their accomplishments.