bailiwick [noun]

Definition of bailiwick:

  • One's area of expertise, authority, or interest; a specific domain or field.
  • The territorial jurisdiction of a bailiff.

Synonyms of bailiwick:

Opposite/Antonyms of bailiwick:

Sentence/Example of bailiwick:

Finance has always been her bailiwick; she knows the markets inside out.

As a professor of literature, Victorian poetry is his bailiwick.

The detective's bailiwick extended across several districts in the city.

In the legal profession, constitutional law is considered her bailiwick.

The new manager quickly learned the operations within her bailiwick.

Politics was never his bailiwick; he preferred to focus on business.

The captain's bailiwick included overseeing operations both on land and at sea.

She has made significant contributions to research in her scientific bailiwick.

The company's marketing department is expanding its bailiwick to include digital media.

Negotiating contracts falls within the lawyer's bailiwick of expertise.