blithe [adjective]

Definition of blithe:

  • Showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous or improper.
  • Happy and carefree.

Synonyms of blithe:

Opposite/Antonyms of blithe:

Sentence/Example of blithe:

The blithe disregard for safety rules led to the accident.

She had a blithe optimism that helped her through tough times.

The students were blithe about the upcoming exams.

His blithe spirit was infectious and lifted the mood of the room.

The blithe couple danced the night away without a care in the world.

A blithe disregard for the consequences can be dangerous.

The child's blithe laughter filled the park.

The blithe spirit of youth is often replaced by responsibility.

Her blithe acceptance of the challenge surprised everyone.

The blithe disregard for the environment is a serious problem.

The blithe optimism of the sales team was contagious.

The blithe disregard for rules led to chaos.

The blithe spirit of the festival brought joy to the community.

His blithe confidence in his abilities was unfounded.

The blithe disregard for the feelings of others is hurtful.

The blithe spirit of the young couple was inspiring.

The blithe disregard for the law led to their arrest.

The blithe acceptance of failure is not a good strategy.

The blithe spirit of the holiday season filled the air.

The blithe disregard for the future can have serious consequences.