bombinate [verb]

Definition of bombinate:

To buzz, hum, or drone continuously.

Synonyms of bombinate:








Opposite/Antonyms of bombinate:

Sentence/Example of bombinate:

The bees bombinated around the hive, filling the air with a soft buzz.

The fan bombinated quietly in the corner of the room.

He could hear the power lines bombinating overhead.

The sound of the air conditioner bombinated in the background as she worked.

The fridge bombinated softly, a constant hum in the kitchen.

The distant sound of the highway bombinated through the open window.

The projector bombinated as it played the movie.

The old computer bombinated as it struggled to keep up with the demands.

She found the sound of the car engine bombinating strangely soothing.

The drone of the airplane bombinated in the sky above.

The fluorescent lights bombinated, casting a harsh light on the room.

The cicadas bombinated in the heat of the summer afternoon.

The electric toothbrush bombinated as he brushed his teeth.

The sewing machine bombinated as she worked on her project.

The coffee maker bombinated, brewing a fresh pot of coffee.

The distant thunder bombinated, signaling an approaching storm.

The transformer bombinated with a steady, electrical hum.

The generator bombinated in the background, providing power to the campsite.

The dishwasher bombinated quietly, cleaning the dishes.

The old heater bombinated, warming up the cold room.

The speaker bombinated with feedback before the band started playing.

The aquarium pump bombinated, keeping the water circulating.

The sound of the vacuum cleaner bombinated throughout the house.

The electric razor bombinated as he trimmed his beard.

The motor of the boat bombinated as they cruised across the lake.