censorious [adjective]

Definition of censorious:

Severely critical of others; tending to find fault or criticize.

Synonyms of censorious:

Opposite/Antonyms of censorious:

Sentence/Example of censorious:

Her censorious remarks about the play left the actors feeling demoralized.

The critic’s censorious review of the film was widely discussed.

He became known for his censorious attitude towards modern art.

The censorious comments from her peers made her doubt her abilities.

Despite his censorious nature, he had a loyal following.

The teacher's censorious feedback on the essays was not well-received by the students.

Her censorious nature made her unpopular at the office.

He was quick to give censorious looks to anyone who broke the rules.

The censorious tone of his speech alienated many listeners.

The judge’s censorious remarks were a surprise to everyone in the courtroom.

Her censorious attitude towards her children often led to conflicts.

The censorious critic found fault with every detail of the performance.

His censorious behavior made it difficult for him to maintain friendships.

The censorious editor did not hesitate to point out every minor error in the manuscript.

She was tired of his censorious comments about her lifestyle choices.

The censorious review hurt the reputation of the new restaurant.

His censorious approach to leadership was met with resistance from his team.

Despite the censorious feedback, she continued to pursue her passion.

The censorious attitude of the community towards outsiders was well-known.

Her censorious nature was evident in her constant criticism of others.