Ensuring [verb]

Definition of Ensuring:

guarantee; make secure

Synonyms of Ensuring:

Opposite/Antonyms of Ensuring:

Sentence/Example of Ensuring:

The companies need to ensure that the RNA stays intact long enough to get into cells and bake up batches of spike protein.

That ratings increase made it much harder for the creative team to dismiss the women ensuring that it continued to air, and this new Tumblr-driven audience began to rapidly shift the relationship between Supernatural and its fanbase.

The state’s Office of Health Care Quality inspected the university lab in response to the suspected false positives and found shortcomings in how the lab ensured specimens were properly transported and stored.

The bill expands on a 2016 law that gave that protection to pedestrians and riders of non-motorized bikes, ensuring them a greater chance at collecting medical costs after a crash.

That ensures they retain some texture and absorb any flavors added in the way of a sauce or seasoning.

While Uhrich is responsible for corresponding with bakers, McKenzie coordinates with a handful of recipients, to ensure they are comfortable with receiving the baked goods.

It values and addresses the needs of people who have been harmed, while ensuring that those responsible for the harm take responsibility for their actions and are accountable.

District agencies, meanwhile, are in the process of devising a plan to ensure public safety during the inauguration no matter its scale.

Morales said this is a necessary community sacrifice to ensure the safety of the students — who are the most vulnerable for academic loss and whose communities have been hit hardest by the virus.

It is the surest pathway to ensuring that their investments work harder for them and that the tools available to them – including ACR and all its advantages — place control and flexibility at the heart of every campaign.