hedonist [noun]

Definition of hedonist:

A person who believes that the pursuit of pleasure is the most important thing in life; a pleasure-seeker.

Synonyms of hedonist:

Opposite/Antonyms of hedonist:

Sentence/Example of hedonist:

The hedonist spent his weekends indulging in gourmet food and fine wine.

She lived her life as a hedonist, always seeking new experiences.

His hedonist lifestyle eventually took a toll on his health.

The resort caters to hedonists looking for a luxurious escape.

As a hedonist, he rarely considered the long-term consequences of his actions.

Her hedonist tendencies were evident in her lavish parties.

He was labeled a hedonist by his more conservative peers.

The hedonist philosophy emphasizes the pursuit of pleasure and happiness.

She dismissed the hedonist approach, preferring a more disciplined lifestyle.

The hedonist's motto was to live life to the fullest.

His hedonist attitude often clashed with his family's values.

The novel's protagonist is a hedonist who seeks pleasure above all else.

Despite being a hedonist, he was also a successful businessman.

The hedonist movement gained popularity in the 1960s.

She accused him of being a hedonist with no regard for others.

The hedonist culture of the city was both alluring and overwhelming.

He defended his hedonist lifestyle as a personal choice.

The hedonist philosophy can sometimes lead to reckless behavior.

She embraced a hedonist outlook after years of strict discipline.

The hedonist's quest for pleasure led him to many exotic destinations.