orgulous [adjective]

Definition of orgulous:

Proud or haughty; arrogantly snobbish.

Synonyms of orgulous:

Opposite/Antonyms of orgulous:

Sentence/Example of orgulous:

The orgulous knight refused to yield to his opponent.

Her orgulous demeanor alienated many of her colleagues.

The orgulous queen demanded absolute obedience from her subjects.

With an orgulous air, he dismissed the suggestions of his subordinates.

The orgulous nobleman looked down upon the common people.

The orgulous general underestimated the enemy's strength.

The orgulous child refused to share his toys.

The orgulous critic dismissed the novel as worthless.

The orgulous politician alienated voters with his arrogant speeches.

The orgulous manner of the headmaster intimidated the students.

The orgulous heiress believed she was superior to everyone else.

The orgulous nature of the dictator led to his downfall.

The orgulous artist refused to compromise on his vision.

The orgulous philosopher believed his ideas were infallible.

The orgulous warrior challenged anyone to a duel.

The orgulous king demanded tribute from neighboring kingdoms.

The orgulous attitude of the coach caused tension among the players.

The orgulous behavior of the celebrity alienated fans.

The orgulous nature of the politician hindered negotiations.

The orgulous demeanor of the teacher discouraged student participation.