ostensible [adjective]

Definition of ostensible:

Appearing to be true or real but possibly false or different from what it seems.

Synonyms of ostensible:

Opposite/Antonyms of ostensible:

Sentence/Example of ostensible:

The ostensible reason for the meeting was to discuss the budget, but the real agenda was layoffs.

His ostensible calm demeanor hid a deep-seated anxiety.

The company's ostensible commitment to sustainability was contradicted by its actions.

Her ostensible friendship masked her true intentions.

The politician's ostensible concern for the poor was merely an election ploy.

The ostensible purpose of the survey was to gather market research, but it was really a sales pitch.

The ostensible cause of the accident was driver error, but there were suspicions of sabotage.

The ostensible leader of the group was actually controlled by a hidden figure.

The ostensible joy of the child was a facade for underlying sadness.

The ostensible benefits of the new policy were outweighed by its negative consequences.

The ostensible reason for the delay was technical difficulties, but the truth was mismanagement.

The ostensible friendship between the two rivals was a fragile truce.

The ostensible purpose of the charity was to help the homeless, but most of the funds were misappropriated.

The ostensible happiness of the couple hid their marital problems.

The ostensible reason for quitting the job was to pursue further education, but the real reason was burnout.

The ostensible success of the project masked underlying flaws.

The ostensible owner of the property was a front for a criminal organization.

The ostensible cause of the argument was a trivial matter, but the real issue was deeper.

The ostensible support of the community for the new development was met with skepticism.

The ostensible reason for the price increase was rising costs, but the company was actually increasing profits.

The ostensible friendliness of the salesperson was a tactic to make a sale.

The ostensible purpose of the surveillance was to protect national security, but it was actually used to spy on citizens.

The ostensible reason for the breakup was incompatibility, but the truth was infidelity.

The ostensible authority figure was actually a fraud.

The ostensible calm of the situation was shattered by a sudden outburst.