parsimonious [adjective]

Definition of parsimonious:

  • Extremely frugal; stingy or miserly.
  • Unwilling to spend money or use resources.

Synonyms of parsimonious:

Opposite/Antonyms of parsimonious:

Sentence/Example of parsimonious:

The parsimonious old man refused to buy a new coat, even though his old one was falling apart.

Her parsimonious nature prevented her from enjoying life's little luxuries.

The company's parsimonious policies led to low employee morale.

He was so parsimonious that he would reuse tea bags multiple times.

The parsimonious landlord refused to fix the broken pipes in the apartment.

The parsimonious woman only tipped a dollar on a $50 dinner bill.

His parsimonious habits meant he rarely went out to eat or socialize.

The parsimonious boss refused to give his employees raises.

The parsimonious couple always brought their own food to parties.

The parsimonious church collected money for a new roof but used the funds for other purposes.

The parsimonious student only bought the cheapest textbooks.

The parsimonious government cut funding for education and healthcare.

The parsimonious neighbor refused to share his garden hose.

The parsimonious aunt only gave her nephew a dollar for his birthday.

The parsimonious company provided its employees with cheap, low-quality office supplies.

The parsimonious restaurant owner used tiny portions to save on food costs.

The parsimonious homeowner refused to replace the old, drafty windows.

The parsimonious tourist refused to pay for a guided tour.

The parsimonious bride and groom served cheap wine at their wedding reception.

The parsimonious company charged exorbitant fees for minimal services.