quotidian [adjective]

Definition of quotidian:

found in the ordinary course of events

ordinary; found in the ordinary course of events.

of or occurring every day; daily.

Synonyms of quotidian:

Opposite/Antonyms of quotidian:

Sentence/Example of quotidian:

It was wont to be esteemed an ordinary visnomy, a quotidian merely.

It is a quotidian truth that few before him had the courage or clairvoyancy to enunciate.

Sometimes the fever simulated a quotidian, sometimes a tertian.

For our quotidian difficulties his example promises no solution.

It is in this daring to be quotidian and contemporary that his claim to a position in the history of the novel mainly consists.

Time moved for you not in quotidian beats, But in the long slow rhythm the ages keep In their immortal symphony.

One of the main objects of literary history is to separate what is quotidian from what is not.

Yet what novelist has kept his ear so close to quotidian happenings, and with what dignity and charm in his crumbling cadences?

Had a quotidian intermittent, which was removed by the humane assistance of an amiable young lady.

They live, as a rule, in mediocre circumstances; they are harried by the necessities of quotidian existence.