unbeknownst [adverb]

Definition of unbeknownst:

Without the knowledge of; unknown to.

Synonyms of unbeknownst:

Opposite/Antonyms of unbeknownst:

Sentence/Example of unbeknownst:

Unbeknownst to me, my friends were planning a surprise party.

The thief stole the jewelry, unbeknownst to the security guards.

The illness progressed rapidly, unbeknownst to the patient.

The treasure was hidden in the cave, unbeknownst to the explorers.

The company was facing financial difficulties, unbeknownst to the public.

The spy gathered information, unbeknownst to the enemy.

The hiker was lost in the woods, unbeknownst to his companions.

The politician made a controversial decision, unbeknownst to his advisers.

The child ate the entire cake, unbeknownst to their parents.

The detective solved the case, unbeknownst to the suspect.

The writer finished the novel, unbeknownst to their publisher.

The scientist made a groundbreaking discovery, unbeknownst to the scientific community.

The couple eloped, unbeknownst to their families.

The magician performed the trick, unbeknownst to the audience.

The alien spacecraft landed on Earth, unbeknownst to humanity.

The treasure map led to a hidden island, unbeknownst to pirates.

The witness saw the crime, unbeknownst to the perpetrator.

The company was developing a new product, unbeknownst to competitors.

The soldier completed the mission, unbeknownst to the enemy forces.

The artist painted a masterpiece, unbeknownst to the art world.

The hacker accessed the system, unbeknownst to the network administrator.

The child prodigy played the piano flawlessly, unbeknownst to the judges.

The time capsule was buried, unbeknownst to future generations.

The secret agent infiltrated the organization, unbeknownst to its members.

The evidence was planted, unbeknownst to the defendant.