uxorious [adjective]

Definition of uxorious:

Dotingly or excessively fond of one's wife.

Synonyms of uxorious:

Opposite/Antonyms of uxorious:

Sentence/Example of uxorious:

His uxorious nature often led him to agree with his wife, even when he disagreed.

The uxorious husband canceled his golf game to spend time with his wife.

He was a notoriously uxorious man, often seen running errands for his wife.

Her uxorious husband would do anything to make her happy.

The uxorious father-in-law was overly involved in the lives of his son-in-law and daughter.

His uxorious behavior was often the subject of jokes among his friends.

Despite his strong personality, he was secretly quite uxorious.

The uxorious husband surprised his wife with a new car for her birthday.

The couple's relationship was often described as overly uxorious.

His uxorious nature made him an easy target for his wife's demands.

The uxorious husband would cook dinner every night, even though he hated it.

The uxorious man would buy his wife anything she wanted, regardless of the cost.

His uxorious behavior was a source of amusement for his colleagues.

The uxorious husband would often cancel his plans to spend time with his wife.

The uxorious father-in-law was always interfering in the couple's affairs.

The uxorious husband would let his wife make all the decisions.

Despite his reputation as a strong leader, he was actually quite uxorious at home.

The uxorious man would often be seen carrying his wife's shopping bags.

His uxorious nature made him a loving husband, but it also made him a pushover.

The uxorious husband would do anything to avoid an argument with his wife.

The uxorious man was always eager to please his wife.

His uxorious behavior was often seen as a sign of weakness by his friends.

The uxorious husband would often let his wife choose what to watch on TV.

The uxorious man would always apologize to his wife, even when he wasn't wrong.

The uxorious husband would often give his wife his seat on the bus.