Luck in something due to family good fortune
- Not my choice, just an accident of birth.
- That's an accident of birth.
- The answer to difference is to respect it, because it is an accident of birth.
- After all people aren't all the same for a simple accident of birth.
- Accident of birth, I suppose.
- Why should one human own another because of an accident of birth?
- Why should an accident of birth give me the right to make decisions for people?
- In other words, Berger said, the era when religion was determined solely by accident of birth is over.
- Incarnations are planned based around the family setting and cultural setting, and do not include planning for an accident of birth.
- Recognizing that social disadvantages were imposed on people based on the accident of birth or the work they perform, the Prevention of Social Disabilities Act, 1957 was passed in 1957.