Give Someone a Run for Their Money


Compete effectively with the leader in a particular field


  • Despite being the underdog, our team gave the reigning champions a run for their money.
  • The young tennis player gave the experienced opponent a run for their money in the final match.
  • The new restaurant in town is giving established eateries a run for their money with its unique cuisine.
  • The talented singer gave the established artists a run for their money during the singing competition.
  • The startup company is giving the industry giants a run for their money with its innovative approach.
  • The rookie basketball player is giving the seasoned veterans a run for their money with his impressive skills.
  • The ambitious politician is giving the incumbent a run for their money in the upcoming election.
  • The new employee is giving his coworkers a run for their money with his exceptional work ethic.
  • The young author's debut novel is giving established writers a run for their money with its compelling storyline.
  • The determined student is giving her classmates a run for their money with her consistently high grades.
  • The up-and-coming artist is giving renowned painters a run for their money with his unique style.
  • The small business owner is giving the corporate giants a run for their money with his personalized service.
  • The young chess prodigy is giving experienced players a run for their money in the national tournament.
  • The rookie pitcher is giving the seasoned batters a run for their money with his lightning-fast pitches.
  • The talented actress is giving established stars a run for their money with her captivating performances.
  • The startup tech company is giving established firms a run for their money with its groundbreaking inventions.
  • The determined marathon runner is giving her competitors a run for their money with her exceptional speed.
  • The young entrepreneur is giving established business owners a run for their money with his innovative ideas.
  • The aspiring fashion designer is giving renowned designers a run for their money with her unique creations.
  • The up-and-coming band is giving established musicians a run for their money with their catchy tunes.
  • He’ll give those professional players a run for their money.

    Having an infant and a toddler sure is giving me a run for my money.