A controversial subject or difficult project that is best avoided
- Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, the subject of the directive on driving licences has been a particularly hot potato in my country.
- The subject matter of this report is, as I am sure you realise, a real hot potato which has divided public opinion in numerous Member States of the European Union.
- And then right when Daniel was poised to get an international bidding war on his... on his career, he just completely dropped him like a hot potato for absolutely no reason.
- As we have seen, this is an issue which we are all itching to get our hands on: safe and sustainable pensions, a truly hot potato which gets hotter rather than cooler the longer we leave it.
- Trust me. You don't want this hot potato.
- Yes, this is a 'hot potato' in a number of Member States, but that cannot be helped.
- Plans that involved something other than fixing a computer or playing hot potato with a thermite grenade?
- There has been no common position until June of this year - but now they pass it to Parliament like a hot potato.
- The case is such a hot potato that prosecutors Friday passed it on to Justice Secretary Anabelle Rodriguez for a decision.
- They were unsolvable within the Federal Yugoslavia, within Serbia, and now this hot potato has been passed into the hands of the European Union.