It’s not difficult to understand.
- Cooking dinner for two people is not rocket science, just follow the recipe.
- Figuring out how to use this new phone is not rocket science, just read the manual.
- Learning to play a simple song on the guitar is not rocket science, just practice.
- Understanding basic algebra is not rocket science, just pay attention in class.
- Putting together a piece of furniture is not rocket science, just follow the instructions.
- Sending an email with an attachment is not rocket science, just click on the paperclip icon.
- Finding a good book to read is not rocket science, just ask the librarian for recommendations.
- Fixing a leaky faucet is not rocket science, just tighten the washer.
- Choosing the right outfit for the occasion is not rocket science, just consider the dress code.
- Making a budget for the month is not rocket science, just track your expenses.
- Planning a weekend getaway is not rocket science, just book a hotel and pack your bags.
- Setting up a social media account is not rocket science, just fill out the required information.
- Figuring out which direction to go is not rocket science, just use a compass or GPS.
- Learning a new language is not rocket science, just practice speaking and listening.
- Solving a crossword puzzle is not rocket science, just use your vocabulary and knowledge.
- Organizing your closet is not rocket science, just categorize and declutter.
- Making a sandwich is not rocket science, just choose your ingredients and assemble.
- Creating a resume is not rocket science, just highlight your skills and experience.
- Setting up a wireless network is not rocket science, just connect the modem and router.
- Planning a birthday party is not rocket science, just decide on the theme and guest list.