Shoot Oneself In The Foot


To harm or disadvantage oneself through one's own actions or decisions, often inadvertently.


  • By cutting the marketing budget drastically, the company shot itself in the foot, leading to a significant drop in sales.
  • He shot himself in the foot by criticizing his former employer during the job interview.
  • The candidate shot herself in the foot by making controversial statements during the debate.
  • The team shot themselves in the foot by not training hard enough before the championship.
  • He shot himself in the foot by not saving any money for taxes, resulting in a hefty fine.
  • She shot herself in the foot by skipping too many classes and failing the final exam.
  • He shot himself in the foot by forgetting their anniversary, upsetting his partner.
  • She shot herself in the foot by gossiping about her boss, who found out and reprimanded her.
  • The influencer shot himself in the foot by posting offensive content, losing many followers.
  • They shot themselves in the foot by demanding too much in the negotiations, causing the deal to fall through.
  • The company shot itself in the foot by ignoring customer complaints, leading to a bad reputation.
  • He shot himself in the foot by lying under oath, resulting in a perjury charge.
  • She shot herself in the foot by not following the doctor's advice, worsening her condition.
  • The team shot themselves in the foot by not meeting deadlines, losing the client's trust.
  • He shot himself in the foot by investing all his money in a single, high-risk stock.
  • The speaker shot himself in the foot by forgetting his key points and rambling.
  • They shot themselves in the foot by not honoring their part of the agreement, leading to a dissolved partnership.
  • She shot herself in the foot by not setting boundaries, and now her kids don't respect her rules.
  • He shot himself in the foot by not checking the visa requirements, missing his flight.
  • She shot herself in the foot by wearing inappropriate attire to the formal event.
  • The company shot itself in the foot by launching an ill-conceived ad campaign that offended many.
  • They shot themselves in the foot by not confirming the venue, which was double-booked on the event day.
  • The developers shot themselves in the foot by not testing the code thoroughly, leading to many bugs.
  • The store shot itself in the foot by not stocking popular items, driving customers away.
  • The school shot itself in the foot by cutting extracurricular programs, leading to decreased student engagement.
  • By quitting the job without having a new one lined up, he really shot himself in the foot.
  • The company shot itself in the foot by ignoring customer complaints.
  • She shot herself in the foot when she revealed the surprise party plans early.
  • He shot himself in the foot by arguing with his boss about a minor issue.
  • The politician shot himself in the foot with that controversial statement.
  • The team shot itself in the foot by underestimating their opponents.
  • By refusing to compromise, they shot themselves in the foot.
  • The company shot itself in the foot by launching the product too early.
  • He shot himself in the foot by not backing up his computer files.
  • The candidate shot herself in the foot with her negative campaign ads.
  • The company shot itself in the foot by outsourcing customer service.
  • She shot herself in the foot by sharing confidential information.
  • The team shot itself in the foot by not practicing enough.
  • The politician shot himself in the foot by making promises he couldn't keep.
  • The company shot itself in the foot by ignoring employee feedback.
  • He shot himself in the foot by not proofreading his resume.
  • The team shot itself in the foot by arguing instead of collaborating.
  • She shot herself in the foot by trusting the wrong person.
  • The company shot itself in the foot by launching a product with bugs.
  • He shot himself in the foot by not listening to advice.
  • The politician shot herself in the foot by making a sexist remark.
  • The team shot itself in the foot by not preparing for the game.
  • She shot herself in the foot by quitting her job impulsively.
  • The company shot itself in the foot by ignoring the competition.
  • He shot himself in the foot by making a hasty decision.