A steal


Something that is offered at a very low price or is considered to be a great bargain


  • The designer handbag was a steal at half the original price.
  • He bought a high-definition television that was a steal during the holiday sale.
  • The antique vase she found at the flea market was a steal compared to its true value.
  • The vacation package they booked was a steal with all-inclusive amenities.
  • The used car he purchased was a steal because it had low mileage and was well-maintained.
  • She got a beautiful necklace that was a steal at the jewelry store clearance.
  • The apartment rental in the city center was a steal given its spacious layout and amenities.
  • The smartphone he bought online was a steal with its advanced features.
  • The book collection he found at the garage sale was a steal for its rarity.
  • The laptop she bought at the electronics store was a steal on Black Friday.
  • The concert tickets they got were a steal because they were front-row seats.
  • The gourmet meal they enjoyed at the new restaurant was a steal for the quality and portion size.
  • The painting he purchased from the local artist was a steal for its artistic value.
  • The winter coat she found on sale was a steal considering its brand and durability.
  • The sporting equipment he bought was a steal compared to retail prices.