Blank canvas


The phrase blank canvas refers to something with no content such that it can be easily filled with completely new things.


  • The person you're with is a blank canvas, and everything is new.
  • This is a blank canvas, is what this is.
  • It's a blank canvas.
  • It's an ultra blank canvas, as are we, but we don't need to be intimidated by it.
  • And we're pretty lucky because here in the South, we're still blessed with a relatively blank canvas that we can fill with the most fanciful adventures and incredible experiences.
  • So there's so many emotions going on in this split second, there's so many emotions you're going to have to feel. That's a blank canvas. As you hit the ramp...
  • Our Blank Canvas requires absolute openness while our seeing adjusts to the new energy.
  • Since we have moved onto a Blank Canvas in a previously unexplored sector of our New Map, it is not yet clear where we are.
  • I spin my plate, it's gonna fill a blank canvas.
  • A blank canvas and the necessary libraries open automatically.