the most modern
- Your information will be more up to the minute than mine.
- This is up to the minute report and analysis on the meeting.
- Again, check your casino's website for up to the minute details.
- Just keep me posted up to the minute.
- This document is therefore undeniably thorough, wide-reaching, up to the minute and relevant.
- You know why he barked at us about being kept up to the minute?
- We have two questions, then: is the legislation still up to the minute, and is the market surveillance adequate?
- Messages on this need to be very clear: Council Framework Decision 2008/977 and Directive 95/46/EC must be updated and brought up to the minute.
- Next to each of the progressive tickers, which provide up to the minute jackpot amounts, are a list of some of the casinos featuring these jackpots.
- The current tree has all of the up to the minute changes, whereas a patch branch contains a formal release plus the patches from the errata already applied.