Weak at the knees


If you are weak at the knees, you are affected by a strong emotion and you feel as if are going to fall down.


  • When she saw her favorite celebrity in person, she felt weak at the knees with excitement.
  • The breathtaking view from the mountaintop made him weak at the knees.
  • His heartfelt declaration of love left her feeling weak at the knees.
  • The unexpected news of her promotion left her weak at the knees with joy.
  • The thought of public speaking always makes him weak at the knees.
  • The intense heat of the desert sun made the hikers feel weak at the knees.
  • Her dazzling smile had a way of making people weak at the knees.
  • The majestic performance of the orchestra left the audience weak at the knees.
  • Walking into the room filled with her childhood idols, she felt weak at the knees.
  • The delicious aroma of freshly baked cookies made him weak at the knees.
  • The sudden realization of the danger they were in left them weak at the knees.
  • The roller coaster ride was so thrilling it left her weak at the knees.
  • The touching tribute to her late husband at the memorial left her weak at the knees.
  • The unexpected gesture of kindness from a stranger left him feeling weak at the knees.
  • The romantic dinner by candlelight had her feeling weak at the knees.
  • The heartbreaking news of her beloved pet's passing made her weak at the knees.
  • The powerful performance of the lead actor in the play left the audience weak at the knees.
  • The surprise proposal caught her off guard and left her weak at the knees.
  • The sight of the newborn baby in her arms left her feeling weak at the knees.
  • The sheer size and grandeur of the ancient cathedral made visitors weak at the knees.
  • I have to admit that when we first met, and you recognized my perfume, you smelled it, I did feel a little weak at the knees.