Idioms about crime

Idioms about crime

  • a steal

    Meaning: Something that is offered at a very low price or is considered to be a great bargain

  • beat the rap

    Meaning: To beat the rap means to evade conviction and punishment for a crime.

  • behind bars

    Meaning: To be in prison.

  • cat burglar

    Meaning: A cat burglar refers to a thief who enters a building by skillfully climbing to a building without attracting notice.

  • crime doesn't pay

    Meaning: This idiom is used to suggest that crime will ultimately not benefit a person.

  • get away with something

    Meaning: The phrase get away with something means to do something bad and not get punished for it.

  • hand in the till

    Meaning: To have one's hand in the till, means to steal from one's employer.

  • highway robbery

    Meaning: This expression is used to refer to a price or a fee that is exorbitantly high.

  • I could murder something

    Meaning: If you say I could murder something, it means that you really want to eat or drink something.

  • in cold blood

    Meaning: The phrase to do something in cold blood is an idiomatic expression that means to do something without feeling or with cruel intent.

  • in the dock

    Meaning: To be on trial in court

  • on the run

    Meaning: Fleeing or running from the police.

  • on the take

    Meaning: This idiom is used to describe a person who is in a position of authority and takes or seeks to take bribes or illegal income.

  • poverty is not a crime

    Meaning: This expression is used to mean that it is not a crime to be poor and that we shouldn't condemn people for their poverty.

  • prick of conscience

    Meaning: The phrase a prick of conscience is an idiomatic expression that indicates a feeling of guilt. The phrase makes reference to a feeling that causes a sharp mental pain or remorse.

  • scream bloody murder

    Meaning: If you scream bloody murder, you protest loudly and angrily as if something very serious has happened.

  • serve time

    Meaning: Saying that someone is serving time means that he is in prison.

  • set a thief to catch a thief

    Meaning: The best person to catch a thief is another thief, because he or she knows how thieves think.

  • stool pigeon

    Meaning: A decoy or an informer, especially one who is a spy for the police.

  • the weed of crime bears bitter fruit

    Meaning: The phrase the weed of crime bears bitter fruit means that nothing good comes from criminal schemes.

  • there is honor among thieves

    Meaning: When you say there is honor among thieves, this means that even among criminals there is honor and that they do not commit crimes against each other.

  • thick as thieves

    Meaning: intimate, close-knit.

  • under arrest

    Meaning: The phrase under arrest is used to mean that someone is in police custody.