Idioms beginning with D
Idioms beginning with D
Da Man
Meaning: An accomplished or skillful person. Generally used in the compliment
Dance to Someone’s Tune
Meaning: Consistently follow someone’s directions or influence
Dance with the Devil
Meaning: Knowingly do something immoral
Dark Horse
Meaning: A surprise candidate or competitor, especially one who comes from behind to make a strong showing
Darken Someone’s Door (Step)
Meaning: To visit someone unexpectedly or unwelcome. It implies that the visit is unwanted or inconvenient.
Dead Ahead
Meaning: Directly ahead, either in a literal or a figurative sense
Dead as the Dodo
Meaning: Completely extinct; totally gone
Dead Eye
Meaning: A good shooter, a good marksman
Dead Heat
Meaning: An exact tie in a race or competition
Dead of Winter
Meaning: The coldest, darkest part of winter
Dead ringer
Meaning: Very similar in appearance
Dead Run
Meaning: Running as fast as possible
Dead Shot
Meaning: A good shooter, a good marksman
Deep Pockets
Meaning: The new owner has deep pockets, so fans are hoping the football team will improve next year with new players
Deliver the Goods
Meaning: Provide what is expected
Devil’s Advocate
Meaning: Someone who argues a point not out of conviction, but in order to air various points of view
Dirty Look
Meaning: A facial manner that signifies disapproval
Do 12-Ounce Curls
Meaning: Drink beer
Dodge a Bullet
Meaning: To narrowly escape disaster
Doesn’t Amount to a Hill of Beans
Meaning: Is unimportant, is negligible
Dog Days of the Summer
Meaning: The hottest day of summer
Dog in the Manger
Meaning: A person who prevents others from using something, even though the person himself or herself does not want it
Dog-and-Pony Show
Meaning: A flashy presentation, often in a marketing context
Meaning: Intensely competitive
Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover
Meaning: Don’t be deceived by looks; don’t rely on looks when judging someone or something
Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk
Meaning: Don’t worry about minor things.
Don’t Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth
Meaning: Do not question the value of a gift. The expression comes from the practice of determining the age and health of a horse by looking at its teeth.
Meaning: Improperly get income from two different sources
Double-Edged Sword
Meaning: Something that can be helpful or harmful; something beneficial that also has a downside
Down in the Dumps
Meaning: Depressed, sad
Down the Road
Meaning: In the future (in your lifetime)
Drag One’s Feet (or Heels)
Meaning: To do something reluctantly and slowly
Drag Your Feet
Meaning: Do something very reluctantly; delay doing something
Drain the Lizard
Meaning: Urinate
Draw a Blank
Meaning: Be unable to remember something
Draw a Line in the Sand
Meaning: Issue an ultimatum; specify an absolute limit in a conflict
Draw a Line Under (Something)
Meaning: To conclude something and move on to something else
Draw a Long Bow
Meaning: Exaggerate, lie
Draw the Line
Meaning: To set a limit to what one will accept
Dressed Up to the Nines
Meaning: Someone is wearing very smart or glamorous clothes
Drink the Kool Aid
Meaning: Accept a set of ideas uncritically, often dangerous ones
Drive a Hard Bargain
- To be tough and uncompromising in negotiation, aiming to get the best possible deal for yourself.
- To be very skilled at negotiating and getting favorable deals.
Drive a Hard Bargain
- To be tough and uncompromising in negotiation, aiming to get the best possible deal for yourself.
- To be very skilled at negotiating and getting favorable deals.
Drive a Wedge Between
Meaning: Try to split factions of a united group by introducing an issue on which they disagree
Drive Someone Up the Wall
Meaning: Deeply irritate someone
Drop a Line
Meaning: To write a letter or send an email
Drop the Ball
Meaning: Fail to fulfill one’s responsibilities; make a mistake
Dry Run
Meaning: A practice execution of a procedure
Dutch Courage
Meaning: Alcohol drunk with the intention of working up the nerve to do something
Dutch Uncle
Meaning: A highly critical person
Dyed-In-The-Wool (adj.)
Meaning: Consistent in an affiliation or opinion over a long period; inveterate