Idioms beginning with F
Idioms beginning with F
Face the Music
Meaning: Dealing with consequences of one’s actions; To accept judgment or punishment
Face the Music
Meaning: Dealing with consequences of one’s actions; To accept judgment or punishment
Fall for Something
Meaning: Hook, Line, and Sinker To be completely deceived
Fall in Love with Somebody
Meaning: Start feeling love towards somebody
Fall Off the Wagon
Meaning: To begin using alcohol (or another problem substance) after quitting
Fall on One’s Sword
Meaning: To accept blame; to sacrifice oneself
Fall Prey to
Meaning: Be victimized by; be harmed by; be vulnerable to
Fancy Someone (British English)
Meaning: To find someone very attractive
Farther (On) Down the Road
Meaning: Later, at some unspecified time
Farther (On) Down the Road
Meaning: Later, at some unspecified time
Meaning: Tending to adopt new styles quickly
Fat Cat
Meaning: A highly placed, well-paid executive
Father Figure
Meaning: A mentor, a person who offers guidance
Feast Your Eyes On
Meaning: To take great pleasure in looking at someone or something
Feather in One’s Cap
Meaning: An achievement for which one is recognized; a noteworthy achievement
Feather One’s (Own) Nest
Meaning: Use one’s influence or power improperly for financial gain
Feather One’s Nest
Meaning: To take advantage of one’s position to benefit oneself
Fed Up With
Meaning: Refusing to tolerate something any further; out of patience
Feel Like a Million Dollars
Meaning: To feel great, to feel well and healthy.
Feel On Top of The World
Meaning: To feel very healthy
Fell off a Truck
Meaning: Probably stolen or illicitly obtained; said of something offered for sale to avoid discussing its origins
Fell off the Back of a Lorry
Meaning: Probably stolen or illicitly obtained; said of something offered for sale to avoid discussing its origins
Fifteen Minutes of Fame
Meaning: Temporary renown
Fifth Wheel
Meaning: A superfluous person
Fight Fire with Fire
Meaning: To defeat an opponent by using the same methods or weapons that the opponent is using.
Fight Like Cat and Dog
Meaning: Continually arguing with each other
Find One’s Voice
Meaning: Become more confident in expressing oneself
Find Your Feet
Meaning: To adjust to a new place or situation
Meaning: Blame; a situation within a group where each member attempts to blame others
Meaning: Blame; a situation within a group where each member attempts to blame others
Fire in the Belly
Meaning: strong ambition
First In, Best Dressed
Meaning: The first people to do something will have an advantage
Fish for Compliments
Meaning: Try to manipulate people into praising you
Fish or Cut Bait
Meaning: an admonition to act or to remove oneself as an obstacle to another person acting
Fish Out of Water
Meaning: A person who is in unfamiliar, confusing surroundings
Five-Finger Discount
Meaning: Shoplifting
Flash in the Pan
Meaning: A one-time occurrence, not a permanent phenomenon
Flat Broke
Meaning: Having no money at all
Flat Out Like a Lizard
Meaning: Drinking Very busy
Flesh and Blood
Meaning: Blood relatives, close relatives
Flew the Coop
Meaning: Left, escaped
Flip-Flop (v. or n.)
Meaning: To vacillate between two choices, to be indecisive
Fly by the Seat of One’s Pants
Meaning: To improvise, to make decisions without planning or preparation
Fly High
Meaning: Be very successful, especially temporarily
Fly Off The Handle
Meaning: Lose one’s temper suddenly and unexpectedly
Fly off the Handle
Meaning: To become suddenly enraged
Follow In Someone’s Footsteps (Tracks)
Meaning: Follow the example laid down by someone else; supplant
Follow Your Heart
Meaning: Rely on one’s deeper feelings and instincts when making a decision
Food for Thought
Meaning: Something that makes you think carefully
For a Song
Meaning: At very low cost
For a Song
Meaning: At very low cost
For Crying Out Loud (excl.)
Meaning: An expression of extreme annoyance
For Xyz Reasons
Meaning: For multiple reasons, not worth specifying individually
Foul Play
Meaning: Crime, typically murder
Fourth Estate
Meaning: The media and newspapers
Fox in the Henhouse (Chickenhouse)
Meaning: Someone who causes trouble
Freak Out
Meaning: A wildly irrational reaction or spell of behavior
French Leave
Meaning: Absence without permission
Freudian Slip
Meaning: Accidental use of an incorrect word; a revealing slip of the tongue
From Pillar to Post
Meaning: From one place to another, in a forced, random way
From Scratch
Meaning: From individual ingredients, not using a prepared mix
From Soup to Nuts
Meaning: Everything; from beginning to end
From the Bottom of One’s Heart
Meaning: Sincerely and with deep feeling
Meaning: Hopelessly ruined, not working, messed up.
Full Fathom Five
Meaning: Lost deep in the sea
Full of the Joys of Spring
Meaning: Very happy, enthusiastic and full of energy