Butteries [noun]

Definition of Butteries:

kitchen storage room

Synonyms of Butteries:

Opposite/Antonyms of Butteries:


Sentence/Example of Butteries:

The house consists of two courts; in the centre building behind which is the great hall, with its butteries and cellars.

Here are to be the cellars, kitchens, butteries, and pantries.

The hall is connected with an ample kitchen, and a series of butteries, pantries, and sculleries of suitable size.

In this difficulty they actually brought barrels of ale from the Temple butteries, and fed the engines with the malt liquor.

In the fountain-court, still in good repair, was the great hall, near to the kitchen and butteries.

The college hall which is upstairs is the old refectory, the rooms below being very likely used as butteries, as they still are.

In the butteries and cellar were plentiful provisions of food.

In choosing a wife the swain is warned that "Fine faces fill no butteries, an' fou uns rob no cubbarts."

As in other colleges the passage to the grounds (or, as in this case, to the second court) is between the hall and the butteries.

“And turn you out of the butteries by the shoulders,” said a strong undergraduate, who had chanced to be a witness of the scene.