Button [noun]

Definition of Button:


Synonyms of Button:

Opposite/Antonyms of Button:


Sentence/Example of Button:

Preschoolers press the buttons on the head of the Fisher Price Code 'n Learn Kinderbot to tell the machine to carry out basic movements, like rolling forward.

When it comes to a speedy camera launch, most Android phones let you double-tap the power button to launch the camera.

Apple chose to put the button on top so that the iPad Air’s display could “extend to all sides,” Legros said.

Choose the frozen program and click on the End Task button in the bottom right.

A revised iPad Air, which typically starts at $500, will follow the iPad Pro models and Apple’s phones in ditching the home button.

A process that could take months and require a lot of work is now reduced to the click of a button and a wait of a few weeks.

Back in November, The Atlantic overhauled a number of things in its checkout flow, including everything from changing the color of buttons on its subscribe page to reducing the number of payment options it showed readers there.

“If there is a spike in the infection rate, then we can always hit the emergency pause button,” Cuomo said.

Since its launch, the button has driven over 3,000 people to register to vote, according to a company spokesperson.

It’s more relevant now than ever before because political advertising is a hot button.