Codeine [noun]
Definition of Codeine:
Opposite/Antonyms of Codeine:
Sentence/Example of Codeine:
In 1832 Robiquet discovered codeine; and in 1833 atropine, aconitine, and hyoscyamine were distinguished by Geiger and Hesse.
Other salts of Codeine are not described because used substantially as the above.
Morphine is the chief active principle, and codeine and heroin are the chief derivatives of morphine.
Codeine is one eighth the strength of morphine; heroin is three times as strong as morphine.
Codeine is a mild hypnotic which may be used in doses about twice as large as those of morphine.
If the cough is excessive and troublesome at night the tablets of "ammonium chloride compound with codeine" are convenient.
Acts like codeine, but weaker; induces large secretion of saliva, and accelerates peristalsis.
If it be soluble, it may consist of aconitine, atropine or codeine; if insoluble, of emetine or morphine.
Of these alkaloids, of which there are about nineteen, morphine and codeine are undoubtedly the most important.
Some resort to anodynes and form the habit of using codeine, morphine.