Compounded [verb]

Definition of Compounded:

mix, combine

Synonyms of Compounded:

Opposite/Antonyms of Compounded:

Sentence/Example of Compounded:

In Spain and Portugal it was the favorite mode of using tobacco, and rare kinds were compounded and sold at enormous prices.

Hence the introduction of the Mixture stops (also called compound stops), which were compounded of several ranks of pipes.

For in Sara Lee's experience marriage was a thing compounded of affection, habit, small differences and a home.

A drug had been compounded out of the brains and kidneys of a human corpse, and had been administered in a cup of chocolate.

The compounded rubber goes from the mixing mills to refining mills, to be prepared for the calenders.

A Sandwich Islander appreciates this when he salutes a British crew in terms compounded of oaths and ribaldry.

What an electuary found my father out for his daughter, when hee compounded you two my women?

And Jansoulet felt the delight of a child, a plebeian joy, compounded of ignorance and naive vanity.

A nation compounded of a dozen alien races may unite on matters of foreign policy, but in that is no warranty of harmony at home.

Sanatogen, the new elixir of life compounded of casein and glycerophosphates, has been noticed in The Journal from time to time.