Conformations [noun]
Definition of Conformations:
Synonyms of Conformations:
Opposite/Antonyms of Conformations:
Sentence/Example of Conformations:
He is less corpulent, and his legs are shorter; in the stomach and intestines, there is a difference of conformation.
His exterior conformation resembles that of man, he has arms, hands, and fingers.
The elephant is yet more singular in the conformation of his feet, and the texture of his skin.
With this change a corresponding change takes place in the conformation of the surface and the general aspect of the country.
The physical conformation of the still extant Iberians, has nothing definitely characteristic about it.
Physically, the Kaffre has the advantage of the Negro in the conformation of the face and skull.
Both are Negroes of the most typical kind, in respect to their physical conformation.
This epithet indicates a change in physiognomy; and, indeed, the physical conformation of the Burmese tribes requires attention.
Its language (known to us by a vocabulary) is monosyllabic; its physical conformation, that of the unmodified Indian.
Still their language is essentially Malay; and their physical conformation passes into that of the Malays by numerous transitions.