Debased [adjective]

Definition of Debased:


Synonyms of Debased:

Opposite/Antonyms of Debased:


Sentence/Example of Debased:

And man hath bowed himself down, and man hath been debased: therefore forgive them not.

Thou hast sent thy messengers far off, and wast debased even to hell.

Of course, high-toned infidels do not consider themselves as debased as the natives of India.

The sculpture and frescoes of the period of course exhibited the depraved taste and debased execution of the times.

Much of the architecture, however, is debased, indicating the decline and eclipse of art in the fifth or sixth century.

If, on the contrary, he is employed in mean labours, he evidently grieves and laments his being thus debased.

Even the memory of his grand passion was now corrupted, sullied, debased.

Somehow, she felt it would not have debased her and humiliated her as had the pastor's attack.

But it is time to turn to another society in which this debased occultism plays a still more important part.

By this change the whole moral attitude of the family became debased.