Defiant [adjective]
Definition of Defiant:
disobedient, disregardful
Opposite/Antonyms of Defiant:
Sentence/Example of Defiant:
Lawrance’s July is smart, vibrant, thrillingly defiant and generally charming, but also undeniably selfish.
The president’s defiant refusal to act, publicized with a heated video he tweeted just before the Christmas holiday, sparked chaos, a lapse in unemployment benefits for millions and the threat of a government shutdown in the pandemic.
Although the state has established a pre-travel testing program for people arriving as way to curb the spread of the virus, defiant travelers have proved they can still manage to land in the Aloha State with the coronavirus.
This defiant answer nonplussed the rebels, who had private interests to consider.
The old Negro watched the approaching flare of the head-light as he ran on, with a grim, defiant eye.
Across the middle of the cage a stout barricade has been erected, and behind the barricade sits the Master, pale but defiant.
Defiant messages were sent by the Dattos, and General Wood decided to conduct operations in person.
Perhaps that was why, even in the year 3689, defiant names still cropped up.
A moment later a very sullen and defiant Mike McSweeney was ushered into the room.
There came a staccato series of minor explosions—defiant gesture, thought Beardsley!