Didst [verb]

Definition of Didst:

carry out

Opposite/Antonyms of Didst:

Sentence/Example of Didst:

The ne'er-do-well blew, like seed before the wind, to distant places, but mankind at large stayed at home.

With time this land had mounted to great values and the holders had been made well-to-do thereby.

His parents were of the well-to-do farming class, occupied from one year's end to the other with the work of the fields.

“But it certainly was a great to-do,” murmured Jessie, as she tried to see what the boys were doing.

Widder Morse wants to ape these well-to-do folks that live tother end o Whiffle Street.

A relative of the Virlaz family, well-to-do Jewish furriers of Leipsic.

They were well-to-do folk and, according to Cesar Birotteau who knew them, old man Crottat was as "close as a snail."

The forced appearance of a well-to-do philosopher at such an hour was nothing less than an outrage.

It seems incredible, but verminous heads are to be found in the ranks of well-to-do tradespeople.

The father, who was well-to-do, purchased a water-mill at Dedham and two windmills at East Bergholt, where he lived.