Disappointment [noun]

Definition of Disappointment:

saddening situation; letdown

Synonyms of Disappointment:

Opposite/Antonyms of Disappointment:

Sentence/Example of Disappointment:

Apple’s lofty valuation leaves little room for disappointment, but the success of its upcoming slate of products isn’t a sure thing.

In a disappointment for pro-business and progressive Rehoboth residents, former Commissioner Stan Mills was elected mayor on Saturday, defeating incumbent Paul Kuhns 876-587.

For my friends who are rising sophomores and juniors, this is a huge disappointment.

Thompson’s resignation comes ahead of a Thursday meeting where Mayor Kevin Faulconer has promised to offer the City Council options on how to proceed following a series of missteps and disappointments.

While Baltimore’s last outing was another postseason disappointment, the team’s future is still bright as it heads into another season.

Members of the City Council expressed disappointment in how the project was shaping up — it was already a year behind schedule — but agreed that an additional investment was the smartest move over the long haul.

I think mostly it’s just disappointment — all the things we’ve worked for, with national and state champs now canceled.

Then, having shot nothing that day, he turned towards the Pole with a feeling of disappointment.

Now that Lawrence was out of the army, he was in hopes that he would stay out, and he showed his disappointment in his face.

However that may be, he wrote, and never did letter carry more bitter disappointment to a Christian community.