Disguise [noun]

Definition of Disguise:

covering, makeup for deception

Synonyms of Disguise:

Opposite/Antonyms of Disguise:

Sentence/Example of Disguise:

He mentioned on Football Night in America that losing Dak might be a “blessing in disguise.”

The historian Kim Phillips-Fein thinks this may be at least a small blessing in disguise.

A new normal of a mere 100 guests, to begin with, was not something many couples could have imagined, but is a change that they see as a blessing in disguise.

In August, Logically helped alert Utah officials to the fact that an anti-sex-trafficking event was actually a QAnon march in disguise, leading to its permit being revoked.

In that sense, the reduced supply of khat — even without a formal ban — has been a blessing in disguise, says Somali anti-khat campaigner Abukar Awale, who is backing a petition to Somalia’s government that seeks to make the drug illegal.

Napoleon landed at Elba at an early hour in disguise, with a sergeant's company of marines.

It was a habit with him to disguise himself in ordinary clothing and then to go out and mingle with the common people.

In short, I shall begin life all over again—as if I were a criminal in disguise instead of the sport of circumstances.

But then who is there that can bear so total a disguise as filth and untidiness spread over a woman?

Isn't that Squid Murphy over there in the corner, trying to disguise himself as a corner of that safe?